(Aired on June 13 and 14, 2020)
Rotarian Jason Gonzales, president of the E-Club of Wall Street, visits RadioRotary via Zoom to tell how the former Wall Street Rotary became an online E-club and still continues to do good in the world. When the Rotary Club of Wall Street recognized in 2018 that it was barely hanging in with only 10 active members, the members decided to reconstitute as an online E-club, which today is up to 32 members in 13 countries around the world. The members meet by Zoom from their respective locations at noon (Wall Street time—it is 6:00 p.m. for European members). Just like in-person Rotary clubs, the E-club has speakers (often more famous than most Rotary clubs host) and engages in activities to help the community, hosting Rotary scholars, raising funds for good causes, and volunteering approximately 10 hours for every member. Mr. Gonzalez got interested in Rotary while in Rotaract at Pace University in New York. Today he works for UNESCO at the United Nations, where one of his duties has been to plan the annual Rotary UN Day. There is much more of interest in this interview than we have room to include here, so be sure to listen to the show.
Learn More:
E-Club of Wall Street:
Facebook for E-Club of Wall Street: https://www.facebook.com/RotaryWallStreetNY/
Rotary District 7230:
Rotaract Club of Pace University:
Rotary UN Day:
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