(Aired on Sept. 25, 2022)
Each year Radio Rotary interviews the current District 7210 Governor (DG); for Rotary year 2022-23 the DG is Suffern Rotarian Larry Palant, who in 20 years of Rotary membership has previously handled a number of important assignments, including promoting ShelterBox and leading the Membership Committee. DG Palant discusses how the District focuses on different causes throughout the year, warm clothing in the fall, food security in the winter, and the environment in the spring. A relatively new focus, promoted by Rotary President Jennifer Jones, the first woman to head Rotary International, is DEI (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion). Listen to the show to enjoy a couple of “Rotary Moments” with DG Palant and to learn about how “Imagine Rotary” works as the slogan for the 2022-23 Rotary Year.
Listen to the Full Interview: https://spotifyanchor-web.app.link/e/E2YeFaRlmLb
Learn More:
Rotary.org Clubfinder: https://my.rotary.org/en/club-search
ShelterBox: https://www.shelterboxusa.org/
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Radio Rotary is an independent nonprofit organization created by Rotarians from the Hudson Valley and supported by many Rotary Clubs as well as by commercial sponsors. Its product is a half-hour radio program and podcast that promotes the goals of Rotary International and The Rotary Foundation: “Service above Self” and “Doing Good in the World.”
Radio Rotary is a 501(c)(3) organization.
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