(Aired on July 18 and 19, 2020)
It is the custom each year for a Rotary District to elect a new governor, and on RadioRotary it is the custom to interview the incoming governor. For the Rotary year 2020-21, which began on July 1, the new District Governor (DG) of District 7210 is Tony Marmo from the Highland (NY) Rotary Club. Mr. Marmo is the 74th District Governor and has been deeply involved with his club and the District for a long time. He has been president of Highland Rotary 3 times in his 35 years as a Rotarian. In Rotary, there is extensive training as a person passes from District Nominee, to District-Governor Elect, to District Governor (and then to Past District Governor (PDG) with continuing involvement in a Council of advisors). The current group of incoming and outgoing DGs has agreed to work as a team, which has been very effective. The goal of the team is to grow Rotary in District 7210—like many volunteer organizations, membership has been slipping in recent years, and Mr. Marmo and the team are determined to turn that trend around. Mt. Marmo also has a closer association to RadioRotary than other DGs because he is also business manager of the RadioRotary Board.
Learn More:
Rotary District 7210:
Highland (NY) Rotary Club:
Highland Rotary Facebook page:
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Radio Rotary is an independent nonprofit organization created by Rotarians from the Hudson Valley and supported by many Rotary Clubs as well as by commercial sponsors. Its product is a half-hour radio program and podcast that promotes the goals of Rotary International and The Rotary Foundation: “Service above Self” and “Doing Good in the World.”
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